May have cost a lot but with an Orchestra CD and a GOLD WiiMote Plus(built in motion plus wiimote)... I ain't complaining!
Ok so the Zelda franchise is celebrating its 25th year so they got a lot going on. Promotions, games, and lots of swags. From my previous post, we found out the aussies got a blue ocarina with their Ocarina of Time for 3DS. The Skyward Sword got the above swags. And later Europe and USA are getting a Zelda-themed 3DS (should I get that?) its black with gold Zelda details. They've also released a Four Swords Downloadable game for 3DS where it was originally from the Gameboy Advance.
I am listening to the Orchestra CD as I'm writing this. Its Fantastic and Fabulous! Of course its Zelda, its has the great themes from the different Zelda games, the main theme, Kakariko Village, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess; EVERYTHING! Love it!
Ok So let's get back to the Limited Edition Zelda Skyward Sword pacakge. So as you can see from the image from the box itself you can see not only do you get the game, you also get the gold WiiMote Plus and a Music CD(plus 2 AA batteries if anyone would like to know). As well as game guide, promotional insert and of course the Nintendo Club code to earn your coins.
Its a 1 CD game, haven't played it because don't have a Wii where I am living at the moment and waiting for the Wii U to come out in 2012. The Music CD is color gold as well(25 years is silver but I don't remember Zelda using silver that's why I guess they went for gold; just my opinion)
So I've uploaded the unboxing pics in my Facebook page, Album Here. Lastly a Video Mashup I made with TLOZ main theme and game footage of the Skyward Sword. Enjoy!