Its almost end of September, and I'm still here.
I've started working on Piece Of Sheet episodes. I finished 4 already which is good for a month beginning 15 October 2014; mark your calendars! It was quite puzzling on how long I would want the episodes but I finally decided on about 4 minutes each episode. The good is I get more episodes the bad is its kinda short but then again its my show so my rules.
Piggy Back Ride is running smoothly because of the scheduled feature of Youtube. No episode will be late which is good because I always forget when its time to premiere a new episode. I also made more episodes aside from thw Alcatraz Island arc so I am pretty much good until November so I have more time in between to keep up with all my series.
Mother Raven Stories though I still haven't started but hopefully I will get around to work on it.
I also have 2 more ideas in stow. First is a special or mini-series of a sort of like a Buffy the vampire slayer story. You know? To be in tune with the current generation's vampire addiction. The second one is a series of randomness anything that pops in my creativity. Its like my own mockumentary/reality show.
In more personal news, I passed the written test for my driver's license. Next will be the driving test but that one is in April next year which I think is weird because you have to wait that long to take it.
Thats it for now I guess. Peace out!