The summer heat is unbearable, I had to use an umbrella today when I was going for lunch. It really burns, especially at the height of noon. Remember to protect your skin everybody. It is not about beauty; it is about safety. That is why I don't understand sun-bathers. Its hot, its burning, it literally will damage your skin and worse cancer. So why would you put yourself in that danger?
Anyway, I had a lot of talking today at work. Apparently, a lot of movement is going on coincidently at the same time but other people's stuff is not my problem. So.. I don't have any new artwork today.
Moving on, I am watching more OmarGoshTV and GTeamParanormal. They got a Dybbuk box apparently a very haunted Jewish item. It is like a time capsule that also contain demon or demons. It is a good video, just watch it and you don't need to prove anything so you can enjoy the video as it is.