I was watching Omar Gosh TV and G team Paranormal all day while playing Dragon Quest 8 on the 3DS. I love Dragon Quest. It is probably on my Top 10. Probably top 5 in RPG's. Unfortunately, I have a tendency not to finish games unless there's something post game that I can get so technically; the game is still not yet finished. So I would go back and forth between games. I played Pokemon Go yesterday went around town. I got to finish some of the special Field Research Task. So I'm good even with not catching much Zapdos yesterday. I seriously think my catch rate in Pokemon Go is rigged because I couldn't catch even the easiest Pokemons more than 75% of the time.
Anyway back to work tomorrow. Hopefully I get some enthusiasm to review my photos and videos from my Japan trip but I ain't counting on it in the next few days.