I am back after 6 months of MIA.
Not much really exciting has happened. I just came back from San Francisco. I wasn’t there I’m the 6 months that I was missing. I was just there for 2 weeks. Work was stressful. A lot of changes has happened in the office and I don’t like it at all.
Anyway, I did start learning to draw on Procreate. I bought a course in Udemy from Brad Colbow. You may remember him from one of the videos I posted when I was looking into iPads. Yes, I finally got an iPad Pro during my visit in San Francisco. It was so close to Black Friday that BestBuy did a pre Black Friday sale. So... I bought it. I bought PROCREATE because it seems to be the best drawing app. I am not very familiar with the app so I enrolled in Udemy... Black Friday discounted of course.
On my YouTube watching schedule. I recently encountered Shane Dawson who has been around for more than 10 years... yeah I am late to the party. It’s whole new squad of YouTube channels that I discovered and have been watching. One of the new channels I started watching was Garrett Watts channel. To be honest though, I already know of Garrett from Miss Coco Peru’s videos. So Shane’s channel is a a lot of fun, so is Garrett’s but will get into that later on.
The new Pokémon Shield is out and I am obsessed. I love it.
I guess that’s a good enough recap for now... it wasn't really much of a recap but more of recent updates.