I spent a little time outside to go to the market. I bought an Exhaust fan cover from Just Living Plaza... the Daiso store of Hong Kong which is equivalent to a 99c store in the west. I completed my errands; personal stuff that I needed to get done while I am off. I was gonna get some groceries but my tummy was not having it so I had to go home early and release. I am still going strong with eating oatmeal and the effects are kicking in... specifically pooping. Its not diarrhea, it just loose poop that needs to be flushed out.
Since then I cooked lunch. I bought some discounted steak as I said in my previous post, that turned to be pretty good. I had pot... of coffee. Then I have just been playing video games. I love RPG's, well classic franchises. I am not up to date or have caught up with most of new game franchises, but I do get into some new game franchises once in a while when the hype is really there and if the trailer is interesting. Then I took a nap in the afternoon. All in all a very casual rest day.
So while playing video games I was watching Japanology Plus... Begin Japanology? Anyway it is the same show only Japanology Plus is the more recent series. So I was watching their episode on Japan Housing. It reminded me of my recent Tokyo trip because the hotel that I booked was an apartment converted into a hotel. I love that place because it kinda gave me a feeling of how Japanese People lived. I guess Tokyo and Hong Kong are not so different in terms of living space which is very cramped and small. Now I said Tokyo because if you go to other cities it is a totally different story. I went to Hokkaido a couple of years bak and they had houses and townhouses so it is very different from Tokyo.
So I will be going back to my video game. I just wanted to do a quick post.